import numpy as np def scale(X, x_min, x_max): nom = (X-X.min(axis=0))*(x_max-x_min) denom = X.max(axis=0) - X.min(axis=0) denom[denom==0] = 1 return x_min + nom/denom def data_normalize(raw_data): """ Receive raw training data and returns normalized data and array of maximum value for each column. Args: raw_data: raw training data Returns: train_x: normalized data max_values: array that contains maximum value for each column """ # TODO 3: implement this method. norm_data = None max_values = None return norm_data, max_values def data_normalize_prediction(raw_data, max_values): norm_data=(raw_data - raw_data.min(axis=0))/(raw_data.max(axis=0)- raw_data.min(axis=0)) return norm_data def sigmoid(Z): return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-Z)) def relu(Z): # TODO 4: implement relu function. return None def single_layer_forward_propagation(A_prev, W_curr, b_curr, activation="relu"): """Perform single layer forward propagation. Args: A_prev (np.ndarray): an input vector in previous layer W_curr (np.ndarray): a weight vector for the current layer b_curr (np.ndarray): a bias vector for the current layer activation (str, optional): to specify either relu or sigmoid activation function Returns: A_curr: calculated activation A matrix Z_curr: intermediate Z matrix """ # TODO 5: implement this function. # calculation of the input value for the activation function Z_curr = None # selection of activation function if activation is "relu": activation_func = relu elif activation is "sigmoid": activation_func = sigmoid else: raise Exception('Non-supported activation function') # return of calculated activation A and the intermediate Z matrix A_curr = None return A_curr, Z_curr def full_forward_propagation(X, params_values): """This function perform full forward propagation using given input vector X and param_values that stores vector of weights and biases. Args: X (np.ndarray): input vector X params_values (_type_): weight and bias vector stored in a dictionary Returns: A3: output of the network memory: matrix Z and A of each hidden layer, stored in list format """ # TODO 6: implement this method. # You need to call 3 times single_layer_forward_propagation() with correct parameters and then create a memory list with all intermediate matrix values A1, Z1, A2, Z2, A3, Z3 and return it. A1, Z1 = None A2, Z2 = None A3, Z3 = None memory = [ {"A1": A1}, {"Z1": Z1}, {"A2": A2}, {"Z2": Z2}, {"A3": A3}, {"Z3": Z3}, ] return A3, memory def get_cost_value(Y_hat, Y): # number of examples m = Y_hat.shape[1] # calculation of the cost according to the formula cost = -1 / m * (, np.log(Y_hat).T) + - Y, np.log(1 - Y_hat).T)) return np.squeeze(cost) def sigmoid_backward(dA, Z): sig = sigmoid(Z) return dA * sig * (1 - sig) def relu_backward(dA, Z): # TODO 8: Implement derivative of relu function dZ = None return dZ def single_layer_backward_propagation(dA_curr, W_curr, b_curr, Z_curr, A_prev, activation="relu"): """ This function performs single layer back propagation. Args: dA_curr (np.ndarray): delta A matrix in current layer W_curr (np.ndarray): weight matrix in current layer b_curr (np.ndarray): bias vector in current layer Z_curr (np.ndarray): Z vector stored in current layer A_prev (np.ndarray): A matrix in previous layer activation (str, optional): defines activation function. Either sigmoid or relu. Returns: dA_prev (np.ndarray): delta A matrix in previous layer dW_curr (np.ndarray): delta Weight matrix in current layer db_curr (np.ndarray): delta bias vector in current layer """ # TODO 9: Implement this function. # number of examples m = A_prev.shape[1] # selection of activation function if activation is "relu": backward_activation_func = relu_backward elif activation is "sigmoid": backward_activation_func = sigmoid_backward else: raise Exception('Non-supported activation function') # calculation of the activation function derivative dZ_curr = None # derivative of the matrix W dW_curr = None # derivative of the vector b db_curr = None # derivative of the matrix A_prev dA_prev = None return dA_prev, dW_curr, db_curr