module.exports = function (grunt) { // From TWBS RegExp.quote = function (string) { return string.replace(/[-\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&'); }; // Project configuration. grunt.initConfig({ // Metadata. pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), banner: '/*!\n' + ' * Bootstrap-select v<%= pkg.version %> (<%= pkg.homepage %>)\n' + ' *\n' + ' * Copyright 2013-<%=\'yyyy\') %> bootstrap-select\n' + ' * Licensed under <%= pkg.license %> (\n' + ' */\n', // Task configuration. clean: { css: 'dist/css', js: 'dist/js', docs: 'docs/docs/dist' }, jshint: { options: { jshintrc: 'js/.jshintrc' }, gruntfile: { options: { 'node': true }, src: 'Gruntfile.js' }, main: { src: 'js/*.js' }, i18n: { src: 'js/i18n/*.js' } }, concat: { options: { stripBanners: true }, main: { src: '<%= jshint.main.src %>', dest: 'dist/js/<%= %>.js' }, i18n: { expand: true, src: '<%= jshint.i18n.src %>', dest: 'dist/' } }, umd: { main: { options: { deps: { 'default': ['jQuery'], amd: ['jquery'], cjs: ['jquery'], global: ['jQuery'] } }, src: '<%= concat.main.dest %>' }, i18n: { options: { deps: { 'default': ['jQuery'], amd: ['jquery'], cjs: ['jquery'], global: ['jQuery'] } }, src: 'dist/<%= jshint.i18n.src %>', dest: '.' } }, uglify: { options: { preserveComments: function(node, comment) { return /^!|@preserve|@license|@cc_on/i.test(comment.value); } }, main: { src: '<%= concat.main.dest %>', dest: 'dist/js/<%= %>.min.js', options: { sourceMap: true, sourceMapName: 'dist/js/<%= %>' } }, i18n: { expand: true, src: 'dist/<%= jshint.i18n.src %>', ext: '.min.js' } }, less: { options: { strictMath: true, sourceMap: true, outputSourceFiles: true, sourceMapURL: '<%= %>', sourceMapFilename: '<%= less.css.dest %>.map' }, css: { src: 'less/bootstrap-select.less', dest: 'dist/css/<%= %>.css' } }, usebanner: { css: { options: { banner: '<%= banner %>' }, src: '<%= less.css.dest %>' }, js: { options: { banner: '<%= banner %>' }, src: [ '<%= concat.main.dest %>', '<%= uglify.main.dest %>', 'dist/<%= jshint.i18n.src %>', ] } }, copy: { docs: { expand: true, cwd: 'dist/', src: [ '**/*' ], dest: 'docs/docs/dist/' } }, cssmin: { options: { compatibility: 'ie8', keepSpecialComments: '*', advanced: false }, css: { src: '<%= less.css.dest %>', dest: 'dist/css/<%= %>.min.css' } }, csslint: { options: { 'adjoining-classes': false, 'box-sizing': false, 'box-model': false, 'compatible-vendor-prefixes': false, 'floats': false, 'font-sizes': false, 'gradients': false, 'important': false, 'known-properties': false, 'outline-none': false, 'qualified-headings': false, 'regex-selectors': false, 'shorthand': false, 'text-indent': false, 'unique-headings': false, 'universal-selector': false, 'unqualified-attributes': false, 'overqualified-elements': false }, css: { src: '<%= less.css.dest %>' } }, version: { js: { options: { prefix: 'Selectpicker.VERSION = \'' }, src: [ 'js/<%= %>.js' ], }, cdn: { options: { prefix: 'ajax/libs/<%= %>/' }, src: [ '', 'docs/docs/' ], }, nuget: { options: { prefix: '<version>' }, src: [ 'nuget/bootstrap-select.nuspec' ], }, default: { options: { prefix: '[\'"]?version[\'"]?:[ "\']*' }, src: [ 'composer.json', 'docs/mkdocs.yml', 'package.json' ], } }, autoprefixer: { options: { browsers: [ 'Android 2.3', 'Android >= 4', 'Chrome >= 20', 'Firefox >= 24', // Firefox 24 is the latest ESR 'Explorer >= 8', 'iOS >= 6', 'Opera >= 12', 'Safari >= 6' ] }, css: { options: { map: true }, src: '<%= less.css.dest %>' } }, compress: { zip: { options: { archive: 'bootstrap-select-<%= pkg.version %>.zip', mode: 'zip' }, files: [ { expand: true, cwd: 'dist/', src: '**', dest: 'bootstrap-select-<%= pkg.version %>/' }, { src: ['bower.json', 'composer.json', 'package.json'], dest: 'bootstrap-select-<%= pkg.version %>/' } ] } }, watch: { gruntfile: { files: '<%= jshint.gruntfile.src %>', tasks: 'jshint:gruntfile' }, js: { files: ['<%= jshint.main.src %>', '<%= jshint.i18n.src %>'], tasks: 'build-js' }, less: { files: 'less/*.less', tasks: 'build-css' } } }); // These plugins provide necessary tasks. require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt, { scope: 'devDependencies' }); // Version numbering task. // to update version number, use grunt version::x.y.z // CSS distribution grunt.registerTask('build-css', ['clean:css', 'less', 'autoprefixer', 'usebanner:css', 'cssmin']); // JS distribution grunt.registerTask('build-js', ['clean:js', 'concat', 'umd', 'usebanner:js', 'uglify']); // Copy dist to docs grunt.registerTask('docs', ['clean:docs', 'copy:docs']); // Development watch grunt.registerTask('dev-watch', ['build-css', 'build-js', 'watch']); // Full distribution grunt.registerTask('dist', ['build-css', 'build-js', 'compress']); // Default task. grunt.registerTask('default', ['build-css', 'build-js']); };