<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Tests\Caster; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Test\VarDumperTestTrait; /** * @author Baptiste Clavié <clavie.b@gmail.com> */ class XmlReaderCasterTest extends TestCase { use VarDumperTestTrait; /** @var \XmlReader */ private $reader; protected function setUp() { $this->reader = new \XmlReader(); $this->reader->open(__DIR__.'/../Fixtures/xml_reader.xml'); } protected function tearDown() { $this->reader->close(); } public function testParserProperty() { $this->reader->setParserProperty(\XMLReader::SUBST_ENTITIES, true); $expectedDump = <<<'EODUMP' XMLReader { +nodeType: NONE parserProperties: { SUBST_ENTITIES: true …3 } …12 } EODUMP; $this->assertDumpMatchesFormat($expectedDump, $this->reader); } /** * @dataProvider provideNodes */ public function testNodes($seek, $expectedDump) { while ($seek--) { $this->reader->read(); } $this->assertDumpMatchesFormat($expectedDump, $this->reader); } public function provideNodes() { return [ [0, <<<'EODUMP' XMLReader { +nodeType: NONE …13 } EODUMP ], [1, <<<'EODUMP' XMLReader { +localName: "foo" +nodeType: ELEMENT +baseURI: "%sxml_reader.xml" …11 } EODUMP ], [2, <<<'EODUMP' XMLReader { +localName: "#text" +nodeType: SIGNIFICANT_WHITESPACE +depth: 1 +value: """ \n """ +baseURI: "%sxml_reader.xml" …9 } EODUMP ], [3, <<<'EODUMP' XMLReader { +localName: "bar" +nodeType: ELEMENT +depth: 1 +baseURI: "%sxml_reader.xml" …10 } EODUMP ], [4, <<<'EODUMP' XMLReader { +localName: "bar" +nodeType: END_ELEMENT +depth: 1 +baseURI: "%sxml_reader.xml" …10 } EODUMP ], [6, <<<'EODUMP' XMLReader { +localName: "bar" +nodeType: ELEMENT +depth: 1 +isEmptyElement: true +baseURI: "%sxml_reader.xml" …9 } EODUMP ], [9, <<<'EODUMP' XMLReader { +localName: "#text" +nodeType: TEXT +depth: 2 +value: "With text" +baseURI: "%sxml_reader.xml" …9 } EODUMP ], [12, <<<'EODUMP' XMLReader { +localName: "bar" +nodeType: ELEMENT +depth: 1 +attributeCount: 2 +baseURI: "%sxml_reader.xml" …9 } EODUMP ], [13, <<<'EODUMP' XMLReader { +localName: "bar" +nodeType: END_ELEMENT +depth: 1 +baseURI: "%sxml_reader.xml" …10 } EODUMP ], [15, <<<'EODUMP' XMLReader { +localName: "bar" +nodeType: ELEMENT +depth: 1 +attributeCount: 1 +baseURI: "%sxml_reader.xml" …9 } EODUMP ], [16, <<<'EODUMP' XMLReader { +localName: "#text" +nodeType: SIGNIFICANT_WHITESPACE +depth: 2 +value: """ \n """ +baseURI: "%sxml_reader.xml" …9 } EODUMP ], [17, <<<'EODUMP' XMLReader { +localName: "baz" +prefix: "baz" +nodeType: ELEMENT +depth: 2 +namespaceURI: "http://symfony.com" +baseURI: "%sxml_reader.xml" …8 } EODUMP ], [18, <<<'EODUMP' XMLReader { +localName: "baz" +prefix: "baz" +nodeType: END_ELEMENT +depth: 2 +namespaceURI: "http://symfony.com" +baseURI: "%sxml_reader.xml" …8 } EODUMP ], [19, <<<'EODUMP' XMLReader { +localName: "#text" +nodeType: SIGNIFICANT_WHITESPACE +depth: 2 +value: """ \n """ +baseURI: "%sxml_reader.xml" …9 } EODUMP ], [21, <<<'EODUMP' XMLReader { +localName: "#text" +nodeType: SIGNIFICANT_WHITESPACE +depth: 1 +value: "\n" +baseURI: "%sxml_reader.xml" …9 } EODUMP ], [22, <<<'EODUMP' XMLReader { +localName: "foo" +nodeType: END_ELEMENT +baseURI: "%sxml_reader.xml" …11 } EODUMP ], ]; } }