Commit b0ad7153 by Paktalin

Removed redundant features

parent 3c6d5faf
......@@ -52,10 +52,15 @@ def clean_dataframe(df):
save_csv(df, 'cleaned_dataframe.csv', sep='~')
print(df[df['distance'] > 100]['sentence'])
def add_value_to_dict(value, dictionary, distance):
if not value in dictionary:
dictionary[value] = 0
dictionary[value] += 1 / distance
def add_value_to_dict(key, dictionary, distance):
if type(key) is str:
if 'sg ' in key:
key = key.replace('sg ', 'sg/pl ')
elif 'pl ' in key:
key = key.replace('pl ', 'sg/pl ')
if not key in dictionary:
dictionary[key] = 0
dictionary[key] += 1 / distance
def construct_df_of_verbs(initial_df):
......@@ -80,8 +85,7 @@ def construct_df_of_verbs(initial_df):
def transform_df_to_preprocessed_array(df): # divide by the number of samples
X = df.drop(['verb', 'number_of_samples'], axis=1)
X = drop_redundant_features(df)
columns = X.columns
X = X.values
number_of_samples = df['number_of_samples'].values
......@@ -90,28 +94,28 @@ def transform_df_to_preprocessed_array(df): # divide by the number of samples
X = X / number_of_samples
return X, columns
def remove_unpopular_features(df):
df = df.drop(['b|vad', 'gu', 'neg ks', 'neg me', 'neg nud', 'neg o', 'neg vat'], axis=1)
# print(df[df['ksite'] != 0]['ksite'])
# print(df[df['neg ge'] != 0]['neg ge'])
# print(df[df['nud'] != 0]['nud'])
print(df[df['nuks'] != 0]['nuks'])
# print(df['nuksin'])
# print(df['tav'])
# print(df['tud'])
# print(df['v'])
# print(df['Unnamed: 84'])
# print(df['neg gem'])
# print(df['n|sin'])
# print(df['tavat|vat'])
# print(df['tama'])
# print(df['me|sime'])
# print(df['tav|v'])
def drop_redundant_features(df):
df = df.drop(['verb', 'number_of_samples'], axis=1)
df = drop_verb_forms(df)
df = drop_parts_of_speech(df)
# remove rare features
# df = df.drop(['b|vad', 'gu', 'neg ks', 'neg me', 'neg nud', 'neg o', 'neg vat', 'nuksin', 'tav', 'tud', 'neg gem', 'n|sin', 'tavat|vat', 'tama', 'me|sime', 'tav|v', 'ksite', 'neg ge', 'nud', 'nuks', 'v'], axis=1)
return df
def drop_verb_forms(df):
df = df.drop(['b', 'd', 'da', 'des', 'ks', 'ksid', 'ma', 'me', 's', 'sid', 'ta', 'vad', 'b|vad', 'ge', 'gem', 'gu', 'ksime', 'ksin', 'ksite', 'maks', 'mas', 'mast', 'mata', 'n', 'neg ge', 'neg ks', 'neg me', 'neg nud', 'neg o', 'neg vat', 'nud', 'nuks', 'nuksin', 'o', 'sime', 'sin', 'site', 'taks', 'takse', 'tav', 'te', 'ti', 'tud', 'v', 'vat', 'neg gem', 'n|sin', 'ma|tama', 'tavat|vat', 'tama', 'me|sime', 'tav|v'], axis=1)
return df
def drop_parts_of_speech(df):
df = df.drop(['A', 'H', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'S', 'U', 'Y'], axis=1)
return df
df = read_csv('verbs.csv', sep='~', header=0)
X, columns = transform_df_to_preprocessed_array(df)
# K = 5
# plot_k_means(X, K, columns)
K = 5
plot_k_means(X, K, columns)
# df = read_csv('cleaned_dataframe.csv', sep='~')
......@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ def plot_k_means(X, K, columns, max_iter=20, beta=1.0, show_plots=True):
random_colors = np.random.random((K, 3))
colors =
for i in range(X.shape[0]-1):
for j in range(i + 1, X.shape[0]-1):
for i in range(X.shape[1]-1):
for j in range(i + 1, X.shape[1]-1):
plt.scatter(X[:,i], X[:,j], c=colors, s=7, alpha=0.9)
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