Commit 3134bda9 by Paktalin

Fixed bug with WordItem's time

parent 9b814d03
package com.paktalin.vocabularynotebook.firestoreitems
import android.util.Log
import com.paktalin.vocabularynotebook.appsetup.ConfiguredFirestore
import java.util.Date
class WordItem(word: String, translation: String, time: Date?, var id: String, private val vocabularyId: String) : Serializable {
var pojo: Pojo = Pojo(word, translation, time)
class Pojo(var word: String, var translation: String, var time:Date?) : Serializable {
init {
if (time == null) time = Date(System.currentTimeMillis())
fun print(): String {
return "word: $word; translation: $translation; time: $time"
constructor(pojo: Pojo, id: String, vocabularyId: String)
: this(pojo.word, pojo.translation, pojo.time, id, vocabularyId)
fun delete() {
.addOnSuccessListener { Log.i(TAG, "Successfully deleted word with id $id") }
.addOnFailureListener { e -> Log.w(TAG, "deleteWordWithId $id:failure", e.fillInStackTrace()) }
companion object { private val TAG = "VN/" + }
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