Commit eb59b87c by matjul

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parent df431ff2
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main (){
float x;
float y;
int i;
int startV; //starting value of x
int stopV; //stopping value
int stepV; //a step value
int stepN; //number of steps
printf("Insert a starting value: ");
scanf("%d", &startV);
printf("Insert a stoping value: ");
scanf("%d", &stopV);
printf("Insert a step: ");
scanf("%d", &stepV);
if(stepV < 0){
printf("Step must be positive: ");
while(stepV < 0);
printf("Insert a number of steps: ");
scanf("%d", &stepN);
if(stepN < 0){
printf("Number of steps must be positive: ");
if(stepN > 15){
printf("Number of steps must be less or equal to 15: ");
while(stepN < 0 || stepN > 15);
printf("x\t ");
for(i = 0; i < stepN; i++){
for(x = startV + (i * stepV); x <= startV + (i * stepV); x++){
if(x <= stopV){
if(4 - pow (x, 2) == 0){
printf("%f\tnot defined\n", x);
y = (sqrt(pow (x, 3) + (4 * pow (x, 2))) / (4 - (pow (x, 2))));
printf("%f\t%f\n", x, y);
return 0;
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