Commit b6c2c871 by rakein

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parent 4cb7dee2
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#include <math.h>
int check3Nurk(seeStruct A[], seeStruct B[], seeStruct C[], int i)
double ab, bc, ac;
ab = sqrt(pow((B[i].x - A[i].x), 2) + pow((B[i].y - A[i].y), 2));
bc = sqrt(pow((C[i].x - B[i].x), 2) + pow((C[i].y - B[i].y), 2));
ac = sqrt(pow((C[i].x - A[i].x), 2) + pow((C[i].y - A[i].y), 2));
if(ab >= bc && ab >= ac)
if(ab < bc + ac)
return 0;
} else if (bc >= ab && bc >= ac)
if(bc < ab + ac)
return 0;
} else if (ac >= ab && ac >= bc)
if(ac < ab + bc)
return 0;
return 1;
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