Commit 0b8bad50 by raliis

2ndarvu teisendaja 10ndsüsteemi programm

parent 6cc70089
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* File: bintodec.c
* Author: Rainer Liis
* Created: 10.10.2017
* Last edit: 16.10.2017
* Description: Converting binary numbers to decimal.
#include <stdio.h>
int i; // counter
int n; //length of number
int y = 0; //decimal number
int binary[20]; //array for binary digits
int main(void)
printf ("How long is the binary number you wish to convert?(max 20)");
scanf ("%d", &n); // length of binary number
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf ("Enter digit nr %d of the binary number you wish to convert"
" to decimal: \n", i + 1);
scanf ("%d", &binary[i]); // writes digits into array
do // checks if digit is binary, if not enter new digit
if (binary[i] != 1 && binary[i] != 0)
printf ("You have entered a non-binary digit, re-enter a new "
"single digit nr %d\n", i);
scanf ("%d", &binary[i]);
while (binary[i] != 1 && binary[i] != 0); // while digit is not binary
printf(" \n");
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf ("%d", binary[i]); // prints out array, showing the binary number
printf (" converted to decimal is: ");
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
y = 2*y + binary[i]; // calculates the decimal value
printf ("%d", y);
return 0;
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