Commit 13854eed by René

simple cross

parent 1d8ed523
Showing with 55 additions and 0 deletions
`timescale 1ps/1ps
module TB_CG2(
reg clk, rst;
reg [1:0] A, B;
covergroup cg @(posedge clk);
pb1: coverpoint A;
pb2: coverpoint B;
pb1x2: cross A,B;
cg cg_inst;
initial begin
clk = 0;
always #5 clk = ~clk;
initial begin
cg_inst = new();
rst = 1;
A = 0; B = 0;
rst = 0;
A = 0; B = 2;
A = 1; B = 3;
A = 3; B = 1;
wait (clk);
$display("%3.2f %%: Coverage (instance)", cg_inst.get_inst_coverage());
$display("%3.2f %%: Coverage (pb1)", cg_inst.pb1.get_coverage());
$display("%3.2f %%: Coverage (pb2)", cg_inst.pb2.get_coverage());
$display("%3.2f %%: Coverage (cross pb1,pb2)", cg_inst.pb1x2.get_coverage());
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