Commit f4f6ef22 by satsob


parent ca11ad07
Showing with 47 additions and 0 deletions
/* Include libraries */
#include <SPI.h>
#include <RF24.h>
#include <BTLE.h>
RF24 radio(9,10); // Create RF24 object to work with the RF24 library.
BTLE btle(&radio); // Create BTLE object to work with the BTLE library.
void setup() {
/* Start the Serial and btle. */
// while (!Serial) { }
// Serial.println("BTLE advertisement receiver");
void loop() {
String str = ""; // For collecting a string of values ​​from different types of variables
/* Start listening. If data is received it is stored in the "buffer".
Then the received data is decoded and checked (CRC). */
Serial.print("Listening... ");
if (btle.listen()) {
Serial.print("Got payload: "); // If data is received, print "Got payload: "
// Store the received data into the buffer
for (uint8_t i = 2; i < (btle.buffer.pl_size)-6; i++) {
str += (char (btle.buffer.payload[i]));
// Serial.print(btle.buffer.payload[i],HEX); Serial.print(" "); // To receive data in HEX format
Serial.print(char (btle.buffer.payload[i])); Serial.print(" "); // To receive data in char format
// (Spam protection) only if string starts with "CustomName"
if (str.startsWith(PASSWORD)) {
str.replace(PASSWORD, ""); // (remove / replace) PASSWORD
// According to what data was sent, print the direction
if ((char (str.charAt(2))) == 7) Serial.println("RIGHT");
else if ((char (str.charAt(2))) == 6) Serial.println("LEFT");
else if ((char (str.charAt(2))) == 5) Serial.println("FORWARD");
else if ((char (str.charAt(2))) == 4) Serial.println("BACKWARD");
// Serial.println("done.");
// btle.hopChannel();
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