Commit 006bb016 by shtaya

Initial Commitment

# git ignore template for C
# Source:
# Prerequisites
# Object files
# Linker output
# Precompiled Headers
# Libraries
# Shared objects (inc. Windows DLLs)
# Executables
# Debug files
# Kernel Module Compile Results
# [IAG0581 / IAG0582] Programming repository
### Details about the author of this repository:
##### Name: Shu Taya
##### Student code: 165842MVEB
##### Slack user: shu.taya
### Useful Resources
#### Courseware
* [Programming II - Wiki page](
* [Programming II - Resources in Google Drive](
* [Slack](
#### C Programming
* [Tutorialspoint - C Programming](
* [C Library reference](
* [Linux die - Linux man pages]( - mostly section 3 is used
#### Git
* [Interactive Git tutorial](
* Git tutorial in Google Drive resources
#### Markdown
* [Online editor](
* [Cheatsheet](
##### Slack contact when in trouble
> Ekke Tõiv Uustalu - @ekke
> Jan Toodre - @jtoodre
> Joonas Tamm - @jtamm
> Jürgen Soom - @jusoom
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